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Mise à jour cumulative KB4338819 – Windows 10 – version 1803

Publié par chantal11 le 10th juillet 2018

La mise à jour cumulative KB4338819 est disponible via Windows Update pour Windows 10 – version 1803

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Mise à jour cumulative KB4284848 – Windows 10 – version 1803

Publié par chantal11 le 26th juin 2018

La mise à jour cumulative KB4284848 est disponible via Windows Update pour Windows 10 – version 1803

Improvements and fixes

This update includes quality improvements. No new operating system features are being introduced in this update. Key changes include:

Addresses an issue that causes the Video Settings HDR streaming calibration slider to stop working. This is caused by a conflict with the panel brightness intensity settings configured by certain OEMs.
Addresses streaming compatibility issues with certain live TV streaming content providers.
Addresses an issue where media content previously generated by Media Center doesn’t play after installing the Windows 10 April 2018 update.
Addresses an issue in which SmartHeap didn’t work with UCRT.
Addresses performance regression in App-V, which slows many actions in Windows 10.
Addresses an issue that causes Appmonitor to stop working at logoff if the Settingstoragepath is set incorrectly.
Addresses an issue that causes Appmonitor to stop working at logoff, and user settings are not saved.
Addresses an issue where client applications running in a container image don’t conform to the dynamic port range.
Addresses an issue where the DNS server might stop working when using DNS Query Resolution Policies with a « Not Equal » (NE) condition.
Addresses an issue with T1 and T2 custom values after configuring DHCP failover.
Addresses an issue that causes the latest versions of Google Chrome (67.0.3396.79+) to stop working on Cobalt devices.
Addresses issues with the Remote Desktop client in which pop-up windows and drop-down menus don’t appear and right-clicking doesn’t work properly. These issues occur when using remote applications.
Addresses an issue that causes a connection failure when a Remote Desktop connection doesn’t read the bypass list for a proxy that has multiple entries.
Addresses an issue that may cause Microsoft Edge to stop working when it initializes the download of a font from a malformed (not RFC compliant) URL.
Addresses an issue where some users may receive an error when accessing files or running programs from a shared folder using the SMBv1 protocol. The error is « An invalid argument was supplied ».
Addresses an issue that causes Task Scheduler tasks configured with an S4U logon to fail with the error « ERROR_NO_SUCH_LOGON_SESSION/STATUS_NO_TRUST_SAM_ACCOUNT ».

If you installed earlier updates, only the new fixes in this package will be downloaded and installed on your device.

Disponible aussi dans le Catalogue Microsoft Update

Un redémarrage est requis.

La version Windows 10 passe à 17134.137


La KB4338853, pour la stabilité de la pile de maintenance, s’installe en catimini et n’est repérable que via la liste des MaJ à désinstaller.

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Mise à jour cumulative KB4100403 – Windows 10 – version 1803

Publié par chantal11 le 24th mai 2018

La mise à jour cumulative KB4100403 est disponible via Windows Update pour Windows 10 – version 1803

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Mise à jour cumulative KB4103721 – Windows 10 – version 1803

Publié par chantal11 le 8th mai 2018

La mise à jour cumulative KB4103721 est disponible via Windows Update pour Windows 10 – version 1803

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Windows 10 April 2018 Update version 1803 – Téléchargement – Installation

Publié par chantal11 le 30th avril 2018

Windows 10 April 2018 Update version 1803 est disponible sur la page dédiée


En préléminaire : Quelques conseils pour préparer l’installation de la April 2018 Update Windows 10 – 1803


Plusieurs options pour télécharger et installer cette version 1803 :

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Publié dans Installer-Démarrer-Réparer | 3 commentaires »

Quelques conseils pour préparer l’installation de la Spring Creators Update Windows 10 – 1803

Publié par chantal11 le 3rd avril 2018


Spring Creators Update Windows 10 – 1803 sera bientôt disponible officiellement pour le grand public.

Quelques conseils pour préparer l’installation de cette mise à jour majeure :

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